The Misinterpretation of Prismatic Hungarian Pass Times

Acrylic on canvas. Large. 60x48 inches.  ©2025

Blazin' Blake's Taco Bar is not known for tacos

Acrylic on canvas. Large. 48x48 inches.  ©2023

The sudden impact of environmental misogyny on domesticated land mammals

Acrylic on Canvas. 48x48 ©2025

Tanner (with Derrick) at July Celebration - revisited.

Acrylic on Canvas. 36x48 ©2025

Destiny is not the right body type for Hollywood's A-List

Acrylic on canvas. Large. 60x48 inches.  ©2023

Almost everyone mentioned that Klein has drastically Improved as a storyteller.

Acrylic on canvas. Large. 48x60 inches.  ©2023

First Place Josh and Custom Josh Discuss Inviting Death to come.

Acrylic on canvas.  24x36 inches.  ©2023

Rachel and the Burgeoning Aristocracy of Tomorrow

Acrylic on canvas.  24x36 inches.  ©2022

This is where I laid the eggs says Evil Waverly

Acrylic on canvas.  30x30 inches.  ©2022

Mitch, who is single, senses trouble at the Ol' Putt Putt course

Acrylic on canvas.  36x24 inches.  ©2023

Miniature Cougar, Dexley and Parker pose as invited party guests

Acrylic on canvas.  24x36 inches.  ©2022

Amber Works at a Pie Store

Acrylic on canvas.  30x30 inches.  ©2022

The Wedge

Acrylic on canvas.  30x30 inches.  ©2022

After several Warnings Julie Slaps Tobias with a Pineapple

Acrylic on canvas. 24x30 inches. ©2022

Chuckles {AKA Enrique} takes a Break

Acrylic on canvas.  24x36 inches.  ©2023

Night Swimming (Silent Tyler and Tetanus Gail)

Acrylic on canvas.  24x30 inches.  ©2022

Virtual Doug on Vacation

Acrylic on canvas.  30x30 inches.  ©2022


Acrylic on canvas.  30x30 inches.  ©2022

Oh that's just Becky. She's from America

Acrylic on canvas.  30x30 inches.  ©2022

Two Minus Amesworth

Acrylic on wood.  18x24 inches.  ©2022

Heather always saves a seat for Kendall Jenner

Acrylic on wood.  18x24 inches.  ©2022

Artificial Henry at Fundraising Luncheon.

Acrylic on wood.  24x24 inches.  ©2022

Shimley settles on a passion: odorless caves.

Acrylic on canvas.  30x30 inches.  ©2022

Flossy and The Spirit Band

Acrylic on canvas.  48x30 inches.  ©2022

Carter with Bird Made of Yellow

Acrylic on canvas.  30x30 inches.  ©2022


Acrylic on canvas.  24x30 inches.  ©2022

Hollis is too cool for soft drinks.

Acrylic on canvas.  30x30 inches.  ©2022

Victoria on Lunch Break

Acrylic on canvas.  30x48 inches.  ©2022

Evelyn and the Staff of Rah followed by Greg of Ohio

Acrylic on Canvas. 30x30 inches. ©2022

Gordon Bear Ear and Dakota Celebrity

Acrylic on canvas.  30x30 inches.  ©2022

Natalie's Determination

Acrylic on canvas.  30x30 inches.  ©2022

Eileen's Outer Shell

Acrylic on canvas.  24x30 inches.  ©2022

Melinda has a 90s party

Acrylic on canvas.  24x30 inches.  ©2022

Space Camp Brian

Acrylic on canvas.  24x30 inches.  ©2022

Bethany with Bird Picture on Porch Area

Acrylic on canvas.  30x24 inches.  ©2022

Bethie Mae and the Urine Maker

Acrylic on canvas.  30x24 inches.  ©2022

Abigail and Neutral Shelby with Ice Pops

Acrylic on canvas.  24x30 inches.  ©2022

Philip and friend burn some apoxie resin

Acrylic on canvas.  30x24 inches.  ©2022

Straight Trevor

Acrylic on canvas.  24x30 inches.  ©2022

Gail Teaches House Sitting

Acrylic on canvas.  30x30 inches.  ©2022

Barnabus In Solitude after the Lake Incident

Acrylic on canvas.  36x24 inches.  ©2022

Motor King and the Belt

Acrylic on canvas.  30x24 inches.  ©2022

Sherry Loves Fudge Pops

Acrylic on canvas.  24x30 inches.  ©2022

Tommy does Fancy Things

Acrylic on canvas.  48x30 inches.  ©2022

Phillis Remembers How to Party

Acrylic on woods.  11x14 inches.  ©2022

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